Category Archives: Surrogacy

Fact Sheet Sperm Donation and Surrogacy

FACT SHEET: The Legal Side of Sperm/ Egg /Embryo Donation and Surrogacy

  Have questions about the law in BC and Canada about surrogacy, sperm donation or egg and embryo donation?  See this fact sheet by Michelle Kinney, Victoria based fertility lawyer, of Michelle Kinney Law. This Fact Sheet is for you if you are: Disclaimer: All material contained in the Fact Sheet is for general informational […]

Before the U-Haul: 10 Family Law Tips for Queers

In honor the Pride season, Christine Murray, family lawyer extraordinaire, and I compiled the top 10 family law “quick tips” for queer couples or families. The family law applies to all marriage-like relationships, regardless of your sexual orientation or gender. Tip #1: Two years living together – what does it mean and why do you care: You […]

What surrogates and parents can talk through before the lawyer visit

Most intended parents and surrogates talk through a lot of issues before they make the decision to embark on the surrogacy process together, and long before either goes to a lawyer about drawing up the Surrogacy Agreement. In some ways, a Surrogacy Agreement is a communication tool. Putting everyone’s intentions in black and white, in […]

Rules in the works for surrogacy and donor expenses

Last month, the federal government announced  it’s bringing in regulations setting out what expenses surrogate mothers (and  individuals who donate eggs or sperm) can be reimbursed for. This is big news.  Since the Assisted Human Reproduction Act came on the scene over 10 years ago Canadians using surrogacy to build their families have struggled to […]

Gay dads want egg donation and surrogacy laws to change

Craig Parkes and Matthew Hinton wanted to have a child. First they tried to do so with the help of a gestational carrier (surrogate mother) in India – but in the middle of the process India outlawed surrogacy for gay couples. They were finally able to have a baby with the help of the sister […]